Top 10 skills in 2025
The Job Reset Summit, organized by the World Economic Forum, lists the 10 TOP Soft Skills for 2025. The professional world is evolving rapidly and it is highly likely [Continua a leggere]
The Job Reset Summit, organized by the World Economic Forum, lists the 10 TOP Soft Skills for 2025. The professional world is evolving rapidly and it is highly likely [Continua a leggere]
Auditing skills in your organization as well as the necessity to acquire new ones are essential steps for achieving your objectives, especially considering recent changes in the way of [Continua a leggere]
Gamification is a recently popular tactic that enables greater employee engagement by making work projects and activities fun and rewarding. By introducing game elements to employee/manager dynamics, an increase [Continua a leggere]
In today's dynamic working landscape, green is more than just a trend: it has become a real requirement. Companies, increasingly aware of their impact on the environment, are constantly [Continua a leggere]
What is departmentalization? In business organization, this term refers to an aggregation of groups of people or activities or functions, with specific objectives and results to be achieved. The [Continua a leggere]
Today, global mobility is an essential tool for employer attractiveness. Progressively, we are witnessing more and more complex mobility, and in some cases, even mobility between companies that leads [Continua a leggere]
Nowadays, those who play a role in HR are increasingly faced with the need to have a better understanding of employees' preferences when it comes to incentives. The performance [Continua a leggere]
The experience of the pandemic, the possibility of remote working, have made the difficulty of retaining employees in the company under the usual working conditions increasingly pressing. The effects [Continua a leggere]
The way and type of work we do is changing rapidly. By 2025, many white-collar jobs will disappear due to automation and robotization, and demographic changes will put further [Continua a leggere]
The practice of smart working has been greatly expanded in the wake of the Covid epidemic that has forced us to stay away from each other, but without producing [Continua a leggere]